When the stakes are high and you really need to hit a home run, you’ll want to hire a professional panel moderator to do the following . . .
Depending on how badly the organization wants someone to moderate a panel, you may or may not get paid to moderate a panel, but you can get compensated in some way, shape or fashion! Here's what you need to know.
What do you do if you don't have a clear vision for your panel? What if all you have known is the traditional style panel format, how would you even know what else is possible?
Here are nine factors to consider as you clarify your vision for your panel discussion.
I was chatting with Event Strategist Devon Montgomery Pasha about when to have a panel discussion - and when not to.
We both agree that panel discussions can be a powerful format for knowledge sharing, attitude shifting, and building connections. However, to create a truly impactful panel discussion, we need to ask some critical questions FIRST.