Since ChatGPT has hit the headlines pretty hard, I thought I would use artificial intelligence to write this week's blog on "biggest panelist faux pas."
Amazingly enough, here is what ChatGPT answered:
It annoys me when panelists solely talk to the panel moderator and their fellow panelists - and never address the audience. After all, it is the audience that is benefitting from the panel's wisdom! Why not engage with the audience directly?
You may not be the panel moderator, but you still can involve the audience in small ways.
As a panel moderator, it is a best practice to use people's names. Everybody likes to hear their name AND it's a great cue for a panelist to know that a question is directed at them. But for goodness sakes, either call ALL the panelists by their first names or ALL the panelists by their official titles! Here's where things went wrong.